Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Lemon: Planet Shift in Canadian Politics Underway . . .

Blame regionalism, mobility of population, weak leadership, indoctrination by media, or global warming...
But this country is on the edge of a change in political patterns of a kind we have never seen before.
The loss by the conservatives of a Calgary seat, after an underdog won the party's leadership could be at least an indicator that the new population of Alberta might not match the province's population's traditional conservative political allegiance.
Polls are suggesting that the Liberals in Quebec have a terminal illness.
The Maritimes, having seen so many of their best and brightest relocate, appear to have concluded that their preference is to be an eternally Grit supported economic basketcase.
Ontario has grown soft and entitled, and residents of their main city have shown their love for a do-nothing socialist mayor.
We are looking at a planet shift on our horizon.
New regionalism that will fracture our national integrity and one that will result in an eternally fragmented Parliament.

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