Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Nancy Silverman is the Bomb?

I am a self-confessed Idol nut, for me the brand offers entertainment with the pathos of Euripides and the joy of Bach. I've been busy the last few weeks, yes, trying to overthrow a government, and haven't see much of the 2006 version. And with this group of idol attempters I'm kinda glad that I've had better things to do.
Not one performer in the single mens night and single womens night that I've caught offers a single participant that has even the p in performer. A really weak group of smiling pleasant untalented kids posing and strutting.
And the judges are reading scripts that they have used in every previous season. Sorry to point out that Nancy, who seems to be a nice girl, isn't "The Bomb" as she was termed by the evil judge.
The whole show is the Bomb. She's kind of a bomblet.
And I'd really like to like it. Lemons Rating??

For Ben Mulroney keeping a smile through it all.

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